Our Governing Body

The composition of the Governing Body of twelve members is as follows:

The Headteacher
Two Parent governors
One Staff governor
One Local Authority Governor
Seven Co-opted Governors  

The following people are serving governors:
Diane Wolstenholme (Headteacher)  Claire Redrobe (Deputy Headteacher)
Margaret Blowey (Chair)
Vacancy May 2024 (Vice Chair)
Kevin O’Brien, Alan Scott , Samaneh Maysami,  Elizabeth King  Alison Robins, Julie Denham (Co-opted Governors )
Gem Yabsley (Staff Governor)
Vacancy May 2024, Carla Mining (Parent Governors)

Carmen Malpas (Local Authority Governor)


The term of office is for four years, with the provision for re-election.

The Governors meet as a full governing body each term and there are two sub committees who meet each term also:

Teaching and Learning

The details of the individual governors
Headteacher, Diane Wolstenholme, was appointed as Headteacher in 2013, following being Deputy Headteacher at Ashgate School. Diane serves on both committees.

Carmen Malpas, Local Authority Governor  is on the Teaching & Learning Curriculum. Her current term of office lasts unt 27/11/27. She is Deputy Headteacher at Rodney House Specialist Support Primary School.

Margaret Blowey, Co-opted  Governor, is Chair of Governors and is on the Resources Committee. Her current term of office lasts until 03/10/2026.  A former secondary school history teacher, Margaret is retired from a career in education with the major school examination and awarding bodies, and latterly was Clerk to the Governing Body at FE Colleges in the North West. She was formerly a Governor at Manor High School in Sale, and Flixton Junior School.

Julie Denham, Co-opted Governor ,  her current term of office lasts until 18/09/27. She serves on the resources committee.

Kevin O’Brien, Co-opted Governor, is the chair of the Resources Committee. Kevin is Professor of Orthodontics and Director of The Healing Foundation Cleft and Craniofacial Clinical Research Centre. Kevin’s term of office will expire on 12/12/2026

Alan Scott, Co-opted Governor, is a former secondary Headteacher in Bury LEA. Alan serves on both committees and his current term of office will expire on 03/10/2026. Alan is also Chair of Governors at Burnage Academy for Boys.

Samaneh MaysamiCo-opted Governor, is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee. Samaneh is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee. Samaneh is postdoctoral Research Associate at Manchester University. Samaneh’s term of office will expire on 12/12/2026.

Elizabeth King, Co-opted Governor, is a member of the teaching and learning committee. Her term of office will expire 06/12/2025

Gem Yabsley, Staff Governor, is a Teacher at Ashgate School. Gem is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee and her term of office will expire on 18/03/2027.

Alison Robins, Co-opted Governor  is a Specialist Learning Disability Nurse at CAMHS based at Carol Kendrick. Her current term of office ends on 19/06/2027

Claire Redrobe Associate Governor is the deputy headteacher  and is a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee. Her term of office will expire on 14/03/2026

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Ashgate Specialist Support School, Crossacres Rd, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 5DR

Main Contact: Lisa ThompsonTel: 0161 359 5322Email: enquiries@ashgate.manchester.sch.uk.

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